
Georg Nemetschek Institut of Artificial Intelligence for the Built World

Goerg Nemetschek Institute of Artificial Intelligence for the Built World


Conceiving, designing, and sustaining the built environment are among the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The use of the latest modern computer technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning offer completely new possibilities for ecologically and economically sustainable solutions to this challenge. Thanks to a generous donation of the Nemetschek Innovation Foundation, TUM has founded the „TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World“ to conduct research on this future-oriented technological focus area.

The GNI is closely associated with the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) and the Leonhard-Obermeyer-Center (LOC). A particular role in GNI’s missions plays the execution of joint research projects between scientists from informatics and scientist from domains related to the built environment. You can find more information on the mission and structure of the GNI here.

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GNI Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

GNI Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in the Built World

GNI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for the Built WorldTo kick off the newly founded TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World (GNI), the Institute hosted an international symposium with leading researchers in the...